Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bringing in the new Year

Hello 2011! That's right all, new year means new template, means new look. I have moved on from being an unconventional gardener, who knows nothing about plants. To someone who really wants to learn what to do with these things I've grown. Now no worries, I am certainly NOT going to be leaving out the growing sections, because I plan to get more elaborate and attempt all new herbs and plants. I plan on though, adding to what I'm going to do with them and have been called a poor man's apothecary. Which for those of you who don't know, means that I am using my herbs and plants to help with healing and such. Which for others who are just beginning to watch this, I have been in search of many a helpful remedies to help out my brave and strong fellow, Mikki. I have already proved that the basil tea does its job because as of yesterday my tea was drank by a truly head achy and stomach achy individual (mom), and after giving her my new basil tea with honey, she felt instantly better. So we know I can at least do this. Unconventional uses, rather than an unconventional garden.So thus is what I am, and you are joining me in the adventures of my life. A passion I have yet to be bored with this the beginning of time.

This year, I want to makes soaps, shampoos, and teas. Essential oils even if I manage to either build or receive a still for getting the oils out of the plants. This means lots of new flavor complexes and experimenting with new sights and smells. I really am quite excited about this new endeavor and hope that you will all add a little something on your preferred smells and flavors. Lets all hope that this is a good growing year!

Tomorrow begins the planning!

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