Sunday, October 9, 2011

Harvest Season

That's right guys its time to start harvesting! And I did so, last night! I began with the bushy globe basil last night. It was the only plant that I allowed to create flowers, because that way I would have busy plants from it from next year. HOWEVER! After much research it seems that I may have harvested too early on that one, but I got 10 black seeds, the rest were white and thus immature when I picked them. But 10 seeds is all I need for next year! They are lovely little things, tiny and round and look just like their brothers in the seed packs! This means I have my very first 2nd generation Tine Seeds! After harvesting that plant, I removed it from the garden, its had its day and we all waved goodbye.

After that we moved on to the coleus, which had tons of seeds to share with me! Lots from only the pink and purple one because I like the multicolored ones and I think it will look nicer net year to have the same kinds in the one pot together. Those seed pods were so interesting! I mean how do you think God decided that he wanted 4 little seeds in each pod and that you'd have to peel the pod apart to get at them, just to replant again next year? Very fun.

After THAT! we hung Emma's basil upside down to dry because its come to the end of its rope. Literally, hehehe.

So yes, the harvest has begun and after I finished writing this! Time to trim back the lavender! If mom doesn't thwart me again...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunny with a Chance of Meatballs

Ah a good morning to my plants!

I've had a rather busy last few days believe me you! It was frigid the other night and I simply couldn't in my right mind leave those poor babies on the front porch. It was just far more cold than I would have expected, exactly 47, and I draw the line at 50 for the little plants to be outside, SO! I cleaned up the closet and hung the plant lamp present from my friend and brought them into the house. They spent the night in my well lit warm closet and stretched out.

The Lavender is making new growth as well even though I keep telling momma that it will get woody and will be unable to prune it once we wait too long. But that happens. It does smell great!

However! You know how I said that my closet got cleaned out? Well if you recall what was in there I'd like to report! My sunflower seeds dried and were ripe for the picking. I sorted them appropriately, apparently the only edible sunflower seeds are ones where the husk has white stripes on it. So I picked out all those and put the others in a bag for aunty patty's cardinals and jays. Can't wait to drop that off, but look at my harvest! There are several more sunflowers ready for hravesting when I go back to work on Monday, but we'll see if there's room for them in the closet. WHOO!